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Hebrew and Protestant Bible Comparison
This chart will allow you to see the different orders given to the Biblical books in Judaism and in Protestantism
This chart will allow you to see the different orders given to the Biblical books in Judaism and in Protestantism
Christian Bible Comparison
This is a listing of the Orthodox (though their order may vary), Roman Catholic and Protestant books of the Bible
This is a listing of the Orthodox (though their order may vary), Roman Catholic and Protestant books of the Bible
The Four Sources of Pentateuch Authorship
There is a long tradition of Biblical interpretation that there are four distinct sources of early Israelite stories which have been combined into the narrative we now possess. This brief paper outlines those four sources. You can see how they play out in the dual Noah and Red Sea stories
There is a long tradition of Biblical interpretation that there are four distinct sources of early Israelite stories which have been combined into the narrative we now possess. This brief paper outlines those four sources. You can see how they play out in the dual Noah and Red Sea stories
The Two Noah Stories
There are two strands of the Noah story. One comes from the J tradition and the other from the P tradition. As you read them, notice that they are each cohesive in their own right and have different ideas about the animals and the birds sent out.
There are two strands of the Noah story. One comes from the J tradition and the other from the P tradition. As you read them, notice that they are each cohesive in their own right and have different ideas about the animals and the birds sent out.
The Two Red Sea Traditions
There are two strands of the Red Sea story. Notice as you read them that one focuses on God and God's power while the other focuses on the critical role played by Noah.
There are two strands of the Red Sea story. Notice as you read them that one focuses on God and God's power while the other focuses on the critical role played by Noah.
A Brief Timeline of Biblical History
This paper is a very brief summary of the great civilizations that played a role in the Biblical Narrative, including those of Judah and Israel
This paper is a very brief summary of the great civilizations that played a role in the Biblical Narrative, including those of Judah and Israel
The Organization of the Center of the Book of Exodus
This chart offers a nice look at the organization of the central part of the Book of Exodus including the the organization of the creation of the Tabernacle and its Holy Items as a retelling of the creation story.
This chart offers a nice look at the organization of the central part of the Book of Exodus including the the organization of the creation of the Tabernacle and its Holy Items as a retelling of the creation story.
Sacrifices of the Old Testament
This chart offers a quick look at the sacrifices in the Torah
This chart offers a quick look at the sacrifices in the Torah
Kings Timeline
This paper shows the kings of the United and Divided Kingdoms along with the prophets associated with their reigns.
This paper shows the kings of the United and Divided Kingdoms along with the prophets associated with their reigns.
The Nations Around Israel and Judah
This is a brief description of the smaller nations most often mentioned which were around Israel and Judah
This is a brief description of the smaller nations most often mentioned which were around Israel and Judah
Gods and Goddesses
This paper offers a brief overview of the gods and godesses that inhabit the lands in which God's people lived
This paper offers a brief overview of the gods and godesses that inhabit the lands in which God's people lived
Prophets Overview
This paper offers a brief overview of the Prophets with their own Biblical books. It also contains some of their more important passages.
This paper offers a brief overview of the Prophets with their own Biblical books. It also contains some of their more important passages.
Brief End of Judah Timeline
This will give you a quick overview of the last kings of Judah and a timeline of the fall of the nation
This will give you a quick overview of the last kings of Judah and a timeline of the fall of the nation
A Timeline of the Jews Return from the Babylonian Exile
As one reads the books of Ezra and Nehemiah this time line will help put things into persective
As one reads the books of Ezra and Nehemiah this time line will help put things into persective
The Synoptic Gospels
This chart will help you see how the first three Gospels share materials.
This chart will help you see how the first three Gospels share materials.
Justification in Galatians: Or Who is a Part of God's Family and Why
This is a simple chart intended to outline Paul's argument in his letter to the churches in Galatia
This is a simple chart intended to outline Paul's argument in his letter to the churches in Galatia